Types of cases we handle at Driver’s License Restore:
Michigan Driver’s License Restoration
A successful case will restore your driving privileges. Learn More
Out-of-State Clearance
We help former Michigan residents obtain clearance from Michigan so they can regain their driving privileges. Learn More
Ignition Interlock Violations
We will help you defend against an interlock violation on your breath alcohol ignition interlock device. Learn More
Driver’s License Appeals to Circuit Court
We will help you appeal to the Circuit Court for a second change to restore your driving privileges. Learn More
DUI/OWI (alcohol or drugs)
We handle all driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol cases. Preparing to restore your driving privileges begins the day you lose them. Learn More
Driving While License Suspended/Revoked (DWLS)
DWLS convictions can have a detrimental effect on restoring your license. Learn More
Civil Infractions
We handle all traffic tickets. Learn More
Ignition Interlock Violation
Michigan interlock violations are serious matters because they typically result in the Secretary of State revoking your restricted driver’s license after receiving notice from your interlock company of an alleged major violation. This can come as quite a shock, especially when you feel you did nothing wrong. As a result, you are put in a position to prove to the Secretary of State that the interlock violation is baseless and not true. Upon receiving notice of an interlock violation, you have 14-days to request an appeal hearing or you lose your right to contest the violation, so you must act immediately. At driver’s license restore, we know how to defend against baseless and untrue interlock violations and will help you overcome the allegation and get your restricted license reinstated.
98% Success Rate in defending Ignition Interlock Violations since 2017.
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